Treatment of industrial effluents: “filterless nanofiltration” from Coldep
December 2023: SSpecializing in water treatment, the Coldep company has developed a unique particle extraction process which is now applicable to industrial effluents. A technological innovation presented at the Cycl'eau exhibition in Aix-en-Provence, and which helps advance projects around the REUT.
A virtuous technology… and three-in-one
Inefficient in terms of energy and land – thanks to its columns with a height of four to six meters for a footprint of only one to four square meters – the Vacuum AirLift also ensures three key functions in the treatment of the water “historically provided by three distinct technologies”, as Sébastien Latz notes.
The first of these is particle extraction, which makes it possible to remove mineral matter present in suspension in water, as well as organic particles: viruses, bacteria and other microalgae. The second concerns the rebalancing of gases dissolved in the water, ensuring its oxygenation. The third, finally, is of a mechanical nature: by setting in motion the masses of water that it involves, VAL technology makes it possible to do without a good part of the pumps hitherto essential for water treatment installations. water treatment. Its basic principle consists of partial vacuuming of the centerpiece of the technology – the column – associated with an injection of air. Conditions which will then mechanically lead to hydraulic circulation. The VAL thus makes it possible, according to the figures put forward by Coldep, to reduce by three to five times (depending on the configuration and the targeted treatment objectives) the electrical consumption linked to the movement of the water to be treated, compared to to conventional pumping equipment. All this, with flow rates of up to several hundred m3/h.