The COLDEP process resolves the main technical limitations encountered by shellfish purification systems in shellfish farming facilities:
- Presence of bacteria and viruses in the water.
- Abundance of small particles <30 µm which are not captured by conventional filters and reduce the effectiveness of UV treatments.
- Decrease in dissolved oxygen concentration in water.
- CO accumulation2 dissolved in water.
- Energy cost of the solutions implemented to solve these problems.
particulate extraction - Compatibility - biosecurity
Shellfish water purification
The microbubbles created in the system trap impurities as they rise and create a scum at the top of the column. This scum which is sucked up by the vacuum carries with it the particles which are trapped inside. These extracted particles are between 0.3 and 30 µm and are not trapped in conventional systems.
Minimum size of the particles extracted
Transmittance indicating water clarification
Reduction of bacterial load
Maximum quantity of shellfish treated by a VAL1400 in 200 m³ of water
Maximum electricity consumption per m³ of treated water
Less viral load
Particle extraction by the COLDEP system also makes it possible to trap bacteria and viruses, thus ensuring the biosecurity of breeding waters. Water clarification also helps to ensure optimal UV efficiency, coupled with the extraction function which eliminates degraded particles that UV and ozone treatments neutralize but leave in the environment. There is the possibility of extracting continuously or only a few hours a day.
Dissolved gas management
Regulation of O concentration2 and co2
The bubbles associated with the vacuum created at the top of the column make it possible to achieve unmatched aeration and degassing efficiency.
Minimum oxygen saturation level
Reduction of the quantity of CO₂ in a single pass
The opinion of professionals
we did it
Our references
Application use: Oyster purification
Function (s): Particulate extraction
Model (s): VAL1400 + 2 VAL900
Installed in October 2019 through Coldep
Application use: Oyster purification
Function (s): Circulation + Particulate extraction
Model (s): VAL1400
Installed in October 2021 through Coldep
Application use: Purification of shellfish and crustaceans.
Function (s): Circulation + Particulate extraction
Model (s): VAL1400
Installed in June 2020 through Coldep