Capturing and effectively treating CO emissions

VAL AQUA makes it possible to capture and treat CO emissions directly at the source, offering a robust solution to reduce the carbon footprint of your industrial installations. Currently, this technology is being implemented on a large scale as part of the VASCO project, in collaboration with ADEME at the port of Marseille.

Optimizing operational costs through advanced technology

By integrating the capture of industrial gases into a single device, VAL AQUA reduces emissions management costs while increasing treatment efficiency. This approach is currently being tested within the REDWINE project in Portugal, supported by the European Union, demonstrating its potential on an industrial scale.

Application flexibility for various industrial environments

The significant release of CO2 in industrial smoke is a major environmental problem. Coldep's VAL process allows manufacturers to capture and, above all, revalue this CO2 using it in various fields of application.

It has made it possible to reach unprecedented scales in these applications. It has thus been used for 2 years in VASCO and REDWINE projects. These European research projects aim to recover some of the industrial or agricultural fumes and to inject them into a microalgae culture medium.

The project Vasco, an unprecedented initiative in Europe

Installé à Fos-sur-Mer. Son objectif principal est de valoriser biologiquement les fumées industrielles pour produire des microalgues destinées à la chimie verte, notamment la production de biocarburants. Ce procédé contribue également à réduire les émissions de CO2 et de gaz à effet de serre dans l'atmosphère.

Le fonctionnement du VAL permet d’aspirer les fumées industrielles sans nécessiter de prétraitement. Ces fumées, riches en CO2 et en oxydes d’azote (NOx), combinées à l'eau de mer et à l'exposition naturelle au soleil, créent un environnement propice à la croissance des microalgues.

Les microalgues cultivées sont ensuite récoltées et traitées pour produire du biobrut, une substance similaire au pétrole brut, qui peut être raffinée en biocarburant. Si la production de biocarburants n'est pas réalisable, les microalgues peuvent être utilisées comme farine pour nourrir les poissons d’élevage ou dans des cosmétiques, offrant ainsi des bénéfices écologiques multiples.

REDWINE : A European project to capture CO emissions2 related to fermentation

The RedWine project aims to reduce CO emissions2 of the wine industry by using the gases emitted during fermentation and liquid effluents from wineries to produce Chlorella biomass. The CO2 captured will be liquefied and stored, while the treated wash water will be reused.

This process should reduce CO emissions.2 by more than 30% and create a new source of income for winemakers. The project will reduce GHGs by capturing biogenic carbon and promote the use of bio-fertilizers, thus creating jobs in rural areas. It will meet the demand for more ecological products and maintain European wine production.

RedWine will establish new bio-based value chains and formulate innovative products such as vegan seafood and natural cosmetics, while exploiting the potential of microalgae in Europe.

Get in touch with our team

See the effectiveness of VAL in action. Let's discuss your project to develop the VAL solution (alone or in addition) that corresponds to your problems and your environmental and economic performance objectives.
