Next-Gen Water Treatment EN

Here we have listed questions that are regularly asked by our customers and partners. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your projects and to receive more specific answers to your questions.

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What are the advantages of VAL AQUA technology for aquaculture?

How does VAL AQUA technology help manage pathogens in aquaculture systems?

Quelle est la consommation énergétique de la technologie VAL ?

Quelles industries peuvent bénéficier de la technologie VAL INDUS ?

How does VAL INDUS technology compare to other effluent treatment methods?

What types of pollutants can be treated with VAL INDUS?

What are the advantages of VAL INDUS technology for industrial companies?

Does VAL INDUS technology require major changes to the existing infrastructure?

How does Coldep support its customers in integrating VAL INDUS technology?

What are the potential savings achieved with Coldep's technologies?

How can I get a demo or a quote for Coldep solutions?

What support services does Coldep offer after installation?

What are the main functions of the COLDEP Vacuum AirLift (VAL™) system?

What are the distinctive advantages of the technology developed by COLDEP compared to traditional systems?

What are the sectors that can benefit from the technology developed by COLDEP?